Übersetzung & Definition

a radio: ein Radio noun
a radio signal: ein Funksignal noun
to radio: funken verb


  • "Brent : Jonas, are you ready for the Radio Rhubarb Geography quiz?"
  • "This is Brent Vanderplop with a special Hollywood edition of Radio Rhubarb!"
  • "Brent : Good morning everyone and welcome to Radio Rhubarb."
  • "Radio DJ : So French pop sensation Dumb Prank have done it again."
  • "Jonas, thanks for your participation, we'll see you next time on Radio Rhubarb!"
  • "Brent Vanderplop : Welcome back everyone to Radio Rhubarb's exclusive round-the-clock coverage of the Bruno Delavigne disappearance over the Pacific Ocean."
  • "Moira : Welcome to an extra special edition of Radio Rhubarb, folks!"
  • "The balloon lost radio contact with airport personnel some time after 7:00 am, said air traffic controllers at the Napa Valley Hot Air Center."
  • "Just a reminder, folks: Radio Rhubarb will stay with this story until the bodies are discovered, excuse me, I mean until the situation is explained."
  • "This story has become a global sensation nearly overnight, and so we at Radio Rhubarb have titled our coverage of the story "Watergate"... What's that?"

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