Tradução & Definição

CEO (chief executive officer): diretor geral, presidente executivo noun

UK: He's the boss, the CEO, the chief executive officer!
US: Well I heard that the CEO is a PIG. Oink, Oink!


  • "Brian Jones, 37, special assistant to CEO Bruno Delavigne, has been accused of stealing trade secrets from within the heart of the company."
  • "Because both of our bosses are gone, I would like to nominate myself as interim interim CEO."
  • "Susie : So there I was with my best mates, and it was just like old times again, before I became CEO of Delavigne, before Jean proposed marriage, before Bruno took me away in his helicopter."
  • "Assistant to the CEO"
  • "CEO, Delavigne Corporation."
  • "Narrator: And finally we move to the office of CEO Bruno Delavigne, where Special Assistant Brian Jones has been replaced by a camel."
  • "Let's take a quick vote: everyone in favor of me becoming CEO say "yay" or "nay"."
  • "I'm doing a little research on business travel agencies for my boss - CEO Bruno Delavigne."
  • "Bruno Delavigne, CEO of the Delavigne Corporation, explains the idea behind this unique project."
  • "Founder and CEO Harold Percy Warbuckle is the driving force behind these changes, and realizes that in today's world, governments don't effect change, billionaires do."

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